When I decided I needed to lose weight it was my decision and mine alone. The people around me honestly didn’t care if I had gained a few pounds or not but I was doing this for myself, not only to look better but to feel better and have more energy.
Gaining weight wasn’t the only outcome of eating and drinking poorly. I felt tired during a lot of days, getting to sleep was also difficult but generally I just didn’t have the energy that my friends and others around my age had. This became one of my main goals, because it wasn’t normal to feel this way at 25.
My advice would be to first of all write down all the reasons why losing x amount of pounds/kilos would be beneficial to you. How would it benefit your life? What would be the outcome? What would it allow you to do? This will be your main, long-term goal that once you achieve it, you will feel satisfied.
Now you need to set a realistic target to achieve this goal. A month? 2 months? 6 months? Set realistic expectations and you are more likely to stay on track each week when it comes to the weigh-in. Unrealistic goals will much more likely result in not achieving your targets which could make you lose your motivation and end up giving up.
Next, break down your goal into weekly targets that will push you but are also achievable if you work hard over the 7 days. For example, half a pound per week? A pound? Generally speaking, as soon as you change your lifestyle by eating healthier and making better choices you will see changes (with or without the gym and exercise). The heavier you are, the more you will lose in a short space of time.
In the next post I will be disclosing the ‘how’ of losing weight the natural way, no drugs, no surgery, no special formula, only discipline, being smart and making the right choices.
I think you have made a valid point Adam… I always say I want to lose weight but never really wrote down why and how? I think writing down these things is a great idea … So I am mindful of what I want to achieve and how !!! Thanks for sharing your ideas and keep posting xxx
Glad you’re finding them useful Ragini, I think if you have your goals written down they’re less likely to be changed as you can physically see them.
think i need to get back into the habbit of going the gym again
Go for it Lee, it’s never too late!