Today I am very sore. I can’t remember the last time I found walking and bending so difficult! I suppose it’s the price you pay for trying out new things really, in my case BodyTone. On the one hand it’s pain I’m feeling but on the other it’s satisfaction. Sometimes the routines we get into at the gym and beyond can get quite comfortable at times and on Saturday I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone which I feel good about.
The Plank is a particular exercise that I always try to be outside of my comfort zone with. Each time I attempt it I try to add on an extra 15 seconds to my best time. This may seem easy, however it’s extremely tough, by the end, one second can feel like an age.
For this exercise all you really need is a mat and a flat surface. I find it easier to wear training shoes to but they’re not neccessary. The goal is to hold yourself up in position for as long as possible which will result in a strengthened core.
A strong core helps your balance and control, and can even help with back problems and improved posture. In the long run it will also help with other exercises such as weight-lifting and cardio too.
To do this exercise lie flat on your stomach and then lift up with your feet and hands together whilst keeping your back straight. If you find this a bit tough (and it is hard at first!) have your feet and/or hands apart which will make it a bit easier. I would aim for a minute to begin with and get used to that for a week before increasing by 10 or 15 seconds each week after.
There are many variations to this exercise but this is the original. Good luck and let me know how you get on.
Great work man, keep at it….. It’s coming along very nicely..=]
Thank you Lee, more is on the way!
I’ll second that – it’s much tougher than it looks!! (it’s been part of my daily morning stretching regime for the last 7 years)
The Croatian physios didn’t tell me the name of it, but now I know! :))
Excellent Charlie, what other morning exercises do you do?
many & various stretching exercises, done on “auto-pilot” these days 🙂 – aimed at the back & hamstrings, was tendonitis in Achilles that led to the physio’s intervention, does make a difference!