If you have started to realise that you are not currently at your healthiest, you might be keen to try and change that as soon as possible. The truth is that it is always possible to turn things around in this way, but you do need to make sure that you are doing all you can to focus on the project at hand. You can feel fitter and stronger in merely the space of a month by focusing on a few key aspects, which we will look at in some detail right now.
Focus On Fat First
Before you do anything else, you will probably want to try and do away with any excess fat that you might have stored on your body. Having excess fat makes it more difficult for many other kinds of activities, so that’s why it’s the first thing that you should probably look into changing. You could use fat-burning technology to hasten the process, such as wearing a fat burning belt, or simply diet and try to keep your movement up. In any case, getting rid of some fat is a good way to start the process.
Set A Specific Challenge
Rather than trying to do too much in one go, you should consider the possibility of setting yourself a specific fitness challenge and simply trying to go along with that for a month. Then you’ll find that you probably feel a lot better at the end of the month. A good example would be a squat challenge, which will bring about some powerful changes to your muscles, or a planking challenge if you are looking for an increase in your baseline core strength. Whatever the challenge is, it’s a good way to keep yourself on track.
Eat Lightly
Many people can get to feeling a lot fitter and stronger without even dedicating themselves to increased exercise, simply by improving how and what they are eating. If you make a resolve to eat more lightly for a month, by the end of the month you will almost certainly notice a difference to how you feel in your body. Consider going for light meals, only snacking rarely – and on healthy foods – and stopping eating when you feel lightly full. This will help to keep your intake down, and your body will naturally adapt and improve over time to this regime.
Visualise A Fitter & Stronger Body
As well as doing all of those things, you are going to find that you get things done a lot faster if you also visualise your body getting fitter and stronger. This isn’t magic – it’s simply sending signals to your unconscious, and making and setting clear intentions, so that you are more likely to engage in the right kinds of activities, and therefore more likely to get the results you want. You’ll also find it generally means it will be easier to stick to your new regime – so that the month will be a lot easier and simpler to complete as well.