This morning my alarm went off at 6:55am and it was darker than I had expected to wake up to, I guess Winter is not far from away. Living in England you’d think that by now I’d be used to the cold, wet conditions but it doesn’t get easier. Saying that though, myself, along with many other athletes and fitness fanatics will continue to get on with our training, day in, day out.
Yes it’s wet out there, it’s dark and it’s so much easier to make an excuse and say ‘oh it’s too cold to train’, ‘it’s too wet to go running’ but it’s not. If you rely on the perfect conditions to go workout, you’re letting other factors affect who you want to become. You’re basically saying ‘none of this is down to me, I only train when the weather let’s me’.
I’m talking specifically to those that aren’t quite as motivated yet, and in all honesty, there was a period in my past when I wasn’t so keen on training. I say to those people though, don’t let the progress you’ve made this Summer be a temporary phase in your life. Fitness is nothing but giving your absolute everything to every training session no matter what and a Winter full of training, will deliver results.
If you think of training as work and you take your work seriously, you should treat your workouts with just as much importance. You schedule them in advance just like a work timetable and you turn up or face the consequences. Once you turn up you give your absolute everything and I guarantee you, the feeling of satisfaction knowing that you turned up, worked hard and pushed your limits is an incredible one.
I know the Winter is cold, and it’s wet more often than it’s dry, but know that you’re not facing this challenge alone. The fitness family is there to support you during your struggles, so let’s face them together, let’s push on and let’s make progress because Abs are made in the Winter.