Quitting electronic cigarettes (e-cigs) and vaping for the long term can seem to be overwhelming and tedious. After all, not only do you need a lot of time and effort to accomplish it; there might be a ton of temptations out there that might discourage you from pushing through. However, don’t fret, as it really is possible to rid your body of the desire to do vaping and e-cigs. Some do use vapes and e-cigs – see devinedist.com – to help themselves stop smoking normal cigarette with some people arguing that it is a good alternative. There are some people who use vaping and e-cigarettes for medicinal purposes, and there are many places online like Puffmen that cater to those who are looking for it. For those who don’t, it is understandable that they might be interested in trying to stop. It just takes a bit of creativity, effort, and patience to succeed. This article will explain just how it can be done.
It might help to get to know the electronic cigarette industry much better before deciding on the big move. For instance, data states that in the United States alone, 3.7% of adults have tried electronic cigarettesin 2014 and have started using them on a regular basis. In fact, almost 50% of cigarette smokers and more than 50% of former cigarette smokers in the country have tried e-cigs. Studies suggest that vapes are 95% “healthier” compared with cigarettes. However, despite its proposed “healthiness,” e-cigs still pose a significant risk to your health. If you’re thinking about vaping, you’ll also need to make sure you have plenty vape cartridge replacements for when you run out.
Long-Term Quitting: Doing It with Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping
With the above taken into consideration, it’s important to understand that quitting e-cigs and vaping is possible for anyone to do. Perhaps all you need to know for now is that there is relevant vaping and electronic cigarette information on quitting that can help you push through with your goals. If you’re set in your journey to quitting e-cigs and vaping, you’re in the right place. However, do brace yourself as you’ll need to do a bit of work with yourself and your habits to get rid of this from your system. Here’s how:
- Decide on a date and time you’ll actually quit e-cigs: If you gradually quit e-cigs, you’re going to consider them as a commodity and therefore you increase your perception of their value. You can work your way around this idea by setting a date and time that you’ll actually stop e-cigs. Just carry on with your vaping until then, but do deliberate on this decision and make it final once you decide on the date and time.
- Look forward to actually quitting the habit: Always remind yourself of the reason you’re doing this in the first place. Remember, e-cigs aren’t the healthiest things around. If you don’t quit e-cigs now, that’s you saying you’re willing to be a slave to your habits. Be clear with yourself with this. If you quit e-cig smoking, you’re going to prove to yourself that you’re actually in control of what’s happening with your life.
- Give yourself a reward for quitting: Try to match the date and time of your quitting with a reward you’ve always wanted to give yourself. For instance, if you’ve always wanted an expensive piece of jewellery or gadget or if you’ve always wanted a game console or a car, try making that the reward of you quitting e-cigs. You can kick this up a notch by only giving yourself this reward after you have successfully stopped for a certain period of time, so that you’ve actually lost the habit by the time you get the reward.
- Get yourself a final e-cig, and vow that it’ll be your last: Your last e-cig will be your last, as you’re cutting it and not giving it up. Make a vow to yourself that regardless of the things that happen to you, you won’t smoke e-cigs ever again. This is an extremely important decision, as this can very well determine the quality and length of your life in the future. Do this vow knowing you’re actually creating the correct decision for yourself. Take that last e-cig with this in mind. It will actually be one of the most satisfying e-cig sessions you will have because it’s the last.
- Be cool with the rest of your withdrawal, as physical symptoms do last for a short while: A lot of people try to be a bit wild when they depict withdrawal symptoms, but these affect only those that have become dependent on the substance. The fact that you’re reading this means you’re likely on the verge of quitting yourself and you just need that final push, which means you have a strong mind. The physical withdrawal associated with quitting doesn’t involve pain. It’s more of adjusting to circumstances and activities where you will no longer smoke as you used to. If you vape during your coffee break before, try to have coffee without vaping. Don’t think of it as “I can’t vape now,” but rather “Wow, isn’t it great that I can actually drink coffee without having to vape?”
- Keep on socializing but still acknowledge the existence of e-cigs:E-cigs, and cigarettes in general, exist, so there’s no use pretending they don’t. Rather, treat them as normal parts of other people’s lives, and treat their absence in your life as normal as well. You can be in the presence of other smokers and not participate in vaping. Recognize this kind of strength you have, that you can actually just say “no” to vaping and smoking and that you’ve finally prevailed over temptation.
- Try not to rely on any substitutes, but you can find healthy ones: When we say “healthy” substitutes, we don’t mean nasal sprays, gums, or patches. Rather, if you feel as though you might find a hard time adjusting to the new circumstance of not vaping, try to think of ways that you can use your time, such as by indulging in productive hobbies. You may exercise, work out, cook, paint, or do activities that can give the same feeling of satisfaction to you. You’d find them easily more enjoyable than vaping.
The Takeaway: Quitting Electronic Cigarettes and Vaping Is Possible
With the above in mind, it’s important to remember that it’s very much possible for you to quit e-cigs and vaping. However, also keep in mind that the above steps do require you to devote time and effort into quitting, as it doesn’t happen overnight. Always remember the goals you want to achieve and the new experiences that you can create for yourself as you get through this process of quitting e-cigs and vaping. Most importantly, always remember that it takes time and patience to quit properly – but it’s very possible to achieve in your own time.