Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Everyone wants to lose weight, but there are far too many false guides and misleading websites that try to put you on the wrong path to losing weight. There are ridiculous diets that try to make you cut out certain things, there are insane exercise plans that will have you passing out from fatigue, and there are way too many miracle pills that promise you instant weight loss without having to put in work.
It’s time to wake up and smell the coffee because so many of these “plans” are just designed to snatch your money away. If you really want to lose weight, read on to discover some practical weight loss tips with tried and proven advice.
Eating adds weight, so simply eat less
Let’s face it, if we eat, we add weight to our bodies. If you starved yourself for a few days, you are guaranteed to lose weight. Sadly, you’ll also be very hungry and probably suffer some adverse health effects, which is why it’s a bad idea to not eat at all. Unfortunately, some diets actually promote this and tell you not to eat anything at all.
There are some well-known diet plans such as HCG Triumph that actively promote eating less. It’s a diet that understands you can’t just stuff your face with food, but it also understands that you need to eat in order to get energy and be healthy. Any diet plan that tells you to fast or starve yourself does work, but it’s also an extreme that most people can’t cope with.
If you starve yourself in an attempt to lose weight, then you might consider eating super foods and taking supplements in order to gain the necessary nutrients and minerals for your body to function. However, it’s not something everyone can do and it’s usually professional athletes and actors that do this to meet the demanding requirements of their jobs. For the average person, however, fasting and eating almost nothing per day is difficult and should be avoided. It would be healthier for you to take a supplement that will help you lose weight. Take a look at Over 30 Hormone Solution Reviews 2020 to find out more and avoid doing this dangerous diet.
Exercise is good, but not the key to losing weight
A bad diet is the main reason for someone being overweight, not a lack of exercise. This probably contradicts everything you’ve ever known about weight loss, but exercising does not actually promote weight loss. What exercising does is help your heart work better, reducing your risk of heart disease and other conditions. It does not, however, act as the sole reason for losing weight.
You can’t stuff yourself with burgers and then hope to lose weight by running for hours and hours on the treadmill. There are limits to the amount of weight you can lose with exercise, and your diet is a bigger influence on your weight than the amount you exercise alone.
If you’re worried about burning calories and primarily use exercise as a mean to burn more, then keep in mind that calories are burned just to keep you alive. The average human burns about 1800-2400 calories depending on gender, and that’s for a sedentary lifestyle that involves sitting at an office for the majority of the day. As long as you consume less calories than what you burn each day, you’re going to lose weight sooner or later.
Adam, great advice! Always have to make sure you know your body and what you need to stay healthy.
Absolutely Wes, thanks for commenting!