Although I find this exercise very useful and extremely rewarding when it comes to my own physique, I have no idea what the actual name of it is! I use it in classes, at home, working out with friends but nobody seems to know the name. So if you have any idea of what it’s called, please get in touch!
I’ve called it ‘Passing The Ball’ because that’s precisely what you’re doing.. It’s designed to work your legs, core and abs, and really helps with the ‘shaping’ of them, as well as the overall definition. It will majorly strengthen your core and give you better balance after a few weeks. All you need is a gym ball and some space!
Start by lying on your back with the gym ball between your legs in a tight grip. Raise your legs off the ground and lift the gym ball towards your hands.
With your hands, take the gym ball from your legs and move it above your head. Whilst doing this, move your legs towards the ground but don’t let your feet touch the floor.
Now return the ball to it’s original position between your legs by meeting your hands at the middle.
Repeat this movement for a minute (or as long as possible) and after a while you will really start to feel your abs contract.