Although it’s possible to control the main aspects of your life when it comes to temptations and what to avoid i.e. in your home, it’s another chapter altogether when it comes to when you’re out with your friends, family, at a party, at a restaurant, Christmas etc.. The list goes on and on, and if you have struggled in the past to lose weight, this is probably a contributing factor you’ve experienced.
This is where your willpower will be pushed to it’s limits and you’ll have to make a choice. Either you choose to make the right decision that will continue to benefit you, or you don’t. Although one bad decision won’t cost you your progress, a collection of them over a period of time will. Some people decide that dieting just won’t work for them for one reason or another and explore other avenues instead, such as weight loss surgery (visit for an example of some of the surgeries available). This is fine as long as it’s the right choice for you. Remember everybody is different and you need to choose the path that will help you to lose weight in the best way possible.
If you’ve dieted in the past and have wanted to lose weight you probably already know what foods to avoid, but just knowing you’ll be tested in environments and bracing yourself for what lies ahead is crucial.
Planning ahead could not be more important. You need to continually look at what’s coming up in your calendar. ‘Work events’, ‘Parties’, ‘Dinners’, ‘Nights Out’, ‘Festivals’, ‘Special Occasions’ etc and think ‘what temptations will I be faced with?’ and ‘what decisions are going to test my progress?’ There is nothing wrong with making a list and being organised about it.
For example, telling the hostess of a dinner party you’re on a diet or that you’re watching your weight and therefore can’t try her homemade dessert usually won’t be enough to be accepted. You will be goaded to try ‘just a litte piece’ and you may even think ‘oh it’s just a small piece, I’ll burn it off tomorrow’ or ‘it would be rude not to’ but this isn’t about compromise.
You haven’t reached your goals yet and never will if you continually justify making the wrong decisions. So be strong, stick to your guns and have that vision of your future self and how great you will look and feel. Let that be your driving factor when it comes to politely declining the cake and not guilt for potentially being rude.
Adam Warren