You never realize just how important it is to keep your body in the very best shape possible for your age and level of health until you find that one day you just can’t seem to get around as you should. Mobility is a huge issue, especially as we get older. Unfortunately, getting older often creeps up on you while you’re busy raising a family or working your way up the corporate ladder at work.
Suddenly you find that walking from the parking lot to your desk takes the wind out of you and your muscles are sore for days after a marathon housecleaning weekend. Start exercising today and, by all means, keep a journal. Here are some very important reasons why that journal is so important.
Raising the Bar Safely
On sites like, you will learn about how and why you should exercise those muscles to avoid issues getting around later in life. But also, you will begin to understand that exercise isn’t a one-size-fits-all routine. Each person should begin at their current level of fitness, slowly and surely raising the bar as they progress. Never start with hour-long aerobic exercise sessions if you lose your breath walking to the car.
Raise the bar slowly so that you don’t create issues you’d be better off avoiding. Don’t go too far, too fast. A journal will help you keep track of what you’ve accomplished so that you can increase your exercises gradually over time.
Discussing Problems with Healthcare Providers
Another reason why you should journal each and every exercise session is to help you discuss with your doctor, nurse or therapist what you’ve noticed is giving you problems. Sometimes, we get to our healthcare provider’s office and totally forget what it is we were doing when we noticed strange symptoms we’d like to understand.
If those symptoms are worrisome to you, you can probably count on them being a concern for your doctor as well. Journaling your fitness program enables you to intelligently discuss a future plan for your fitness program. Some doctors actually use fitness apps to communicate with their patients in between visits to the office.
A Final Few Thoughts on Journaling in the Digital Age
Wearables that communicate via cellphones are perfect resources in helping you to journal your activities. With these, you don’t even need to remember what happened and when because the app does the remembering for you in the digital realm. Fitness apps are becoming increasingly useful to doctors who are already overbooked. When you can’t get in as often as they’d like due to scheduling issues, journaling your fitness efforts with the aid of an app enables technicians at the office to monitor your progress.
Red flags will be instantly sent to your healthcare provider if you are stretching your limits beyond what is safe for you and someone will immediately get in contact with you to see to your safety. Whether journaling in a notebook or with the assistance of an electronic device, journaling is the best way to track your progress. Remember, future mobility is important but be cognizant of current safety above all else.