Now I know this exercise has probably come from ‘Page 1, paragraph 1, line 1’ of the potential exercises you could attempt at home, however I still wanted to publish it as a post. The reason for this is that many carry out this exercise without even thinking about what they’re doing and end up in ‘automatic mode’ with incorrect form and the potential risk of injury.
The exercise mainly works the Biceps Brachil and is best used with a combination of different exercises that work different parts of the arm muscles for maximum toning/building.
All you’ll need for this exercise is either a dumbell (for one arm) or a barbell (for two). If all you’ve got is a very light weight then increase the number of repetitions on each earm. It may seem easy but if you attempt 4 sets until failure, you’ll find it very difficult to even do your teeth the next morning!
If you’ve got a reasonably heavy weight, you may want to slow down each curl so that your arm has to really contract to maximise the pump. After a few weeks of doing this you will certainly see the difference.
Start with a straightened back and hold the dumbell in one hand with an underhand grip hanging by your side, with your elbow slightly bent and in front of you.
Raise the dumbell by bending your elbow whilst ensuring your torso is stable.
Return the dumbell to it’s original position by your side and repeat the movement.