CBD oil is widely known for its health benefits. Namely, it can help with acne, inflammations, mental disorders, sleep disorders, pain relief, and anxiety and stress relief. Apart from these conditions, CBD oil can also help with weight loss. Having in mind that a big percent of people worldwide are obese, finding effective and natural ways to lose weight is of great importance.
Being aware of this growing health problem and the health benefits of CBD oil, people started using it as a healthy alternative way to lower their body mass. Due to the immense demand, lots of different CBD products appeared on the market, such as a CBD tincture. Hence, now to you can use CBD oil as drops or as a vape juice. Regardless of your choice, CBD oil will help you lose weight.
Cbd Oil And Weight Loss
There have been some studies carried out to find the way CBD oil can help with weight loss and preventing future obesity. Although their number isn’t big enough, these studies show that CBD oil may be able to help lose weight by altering the way your body works. According to them, CBD oil promotes weight loss by working on the following ways:
May Reduce Appetite And Boost Metabolism
According to some research, CBD oil may reduce food intake (appetite) and boost your metabolism, thus promoting weight loss. Namely, this oil can interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors from the endocannabinoid system. While CB2 receptors can be found throughout the entire body, CB1 receptors are mostly found in the brain and the lymphoid tissue. Yet, both of these two receptors are important in regulating food intake and metabolism. As a matter of fact, CB1 receptors might be connected to obesity because they are more widespread in obese people, especially in fatty tissue.
Namely, CBD oil doesn’t alter the work of CB receptors directly. Instead, it influences the natural cannabinoids in the human’s endocannabinoid system to either activate or block off the receptors. Blocking the CB1 receptors may help reduce appetite, prevent overeating, thus prevent and/or treat obesity.
May Help Turn White Fat Into Brown
There are two types of fat in the human body – white and brown. The white fat is also referred to as bad fat because it’s responsible for supplying and storing energy and protecting your organs. It’s also related to some chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes. Brown fat, on the other hand, is known as good fat because is responsible for burning calories and producing heat in that way. People who have a healthy weight have more brown than white fat in comparison to overweight people.
You can turn white fat into brown by getting good quality sleep, working out, and exposing yourself to low temperatures and cold weather. Or you can use CBD oil to help you with that. Namely, as a study has shown, CBD helped turn white fat into brown and strengthened the expression of certain genes and proteins that support brown fat. In that way, it helped the body burn more calories and lose weight.
According to the same study, the results of CBD oil and weight loss are promising in both human and animal studies. Moreover, this oil may be a therapy for preventing obesity. Nonetheless, more studies are needed to further examine that.
Reduces The Risk Of Metabolic Disorders
Apart from promoting weight loss by altering the work of endocannabinoid system, CBD oil may also help in reducing the risk of metabolic disorders, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. It’s because all three conditions are probably a result of the over-activation of CB receptors. In fact, the over-action of CB1 receptors in the fat tissue may contribute to developing a metabolic disorder, as well as obesity.
CBD oil can help reduce the risk of developing a metabolic disorder by blocking off the CB1 receptors. As mentioned previously, these receptors are responsible for the proper work of metabolism. Therefore, blocking them may reduce the risk of a metabolic disorder.
As mentioned in a review in Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research, a treatment that used CBD reduced the total cholesterol by 25% in obese rats. Moreover, the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD lowered blood sugar levels and increase the liver health markers. Therefore, it can be concluded the CBD oil’s properties can improve our overall health, not just help losing weight.
As it can be noticed, CBD is a powerful and natural substance which can promote weight loss. It is thought that it works by reducing the food intake (appetite), boosting metabolism, turning white fat into white, and reducing the risk of developing a metabolic disorder. Although many studies have shown that CBD can help in weight loss, the research is currently limited and more studies on humans needed.