The reason why people go to gym is to either lose weight by burning fat and/or gain muscle. For smokers and vapers, it can be a lot harder to do so because of the damage smoking is doing or has done to their body in the past.
This article focuses on what science tells us how to increase muscle mass and how it relates to the smoking/vaping community.
How Muscle Grows
After a workout in the gym, muscle fibres need repairing. Proteins are needed to form new muscle strands to fuse with the damaged fibres. When joined together, the muscle fibres increase in thickness and creates muscle growth.
Muscles can only get bigger and stronger if the rate of growth is greater than the rate of muscle protein breakdown. High intensity training is needed to stimulate optimum muscle growth.
When people are trying to make their muscles bigger, they might also use supplements to help them out though. If this is something of interest to you then you can check out these Product Expert Reviews here.
Of course, oxygen is also needed to induce muscle growth. Healthy lungs are critical and so smokers may find it difficult to train at these levels which is why vaping is a better alternative. If this is an alternative to smoking that you are interested in starting, then you can easily find vapes online. Vaping prevents all the toxic build up in the lungs, making it easier to breathe, train harder and gain more muscle mass. If you live in Australia or New Zealand and you’re interested in purchasing a vape, you might want to look at a website like Vapeboss NZ.
The underlying way to grow muscles is by putting stress on them. There are a couple of ways to do this:
Time Under Tension
To produce muscle growth, more strain must be put on the body’s muscles than what it has adapted to. Progressively heavier weights need to be lifted to increase the tension in the muscles that are trying to be built.
The more time that these muscles are under tension, the more they are required to be activated and perform under high intensity.
Muscle Damage
The soreness in muscles that comes from working out in the gym shows they have been damaged during the workout. This is a signal to the body that they need repairing.
The body’s ability to grow muscles is dependent on its ability to use oxygen. Oxygen is needed to help break down food consumed after a workout and convert it into the proteins for muscle growth and to glucose for replenishing energy used during the session.
Resting is also a key phase in the recovery process. Sleep is the best way for muscles to repair after training. Without sufficient sleep, the body can turn catabolic, meaning it will look to replenish energy and build muscle by breaking down other parts of the body
Every stage in the recovery cycle relies on the use of oxygen and is why smokers should be looking to switch to vaping and e-cigarettes.
Not only do they taste better with all the different e-liquidsavailable, the actual physical impact it has on health and fitness is staggering. Gains will be noticeably quicker, and it will be easier to lift stronger and heavier weights to increase muscle mass.
For muscles to grow, they must be forced to adapt to stresses they are not used to. Lifting heavier weights is going to provide that needed time under tension and the results will show.
Resting and recovery is vitally important to muscle growth, so a good supply of fuel and oxygen is required. Smokers should be looking to switch to vaping to increase oxygen levels in the body to maximise these gains.