Keeping up with the theme of ‘the best abs exercises using a gym ball’ I’ve decided to add this excellent one taken from the gym class I personally attend. It works your obliques, core and really helps to give you the definition that seperates a good body from a great one!
Doing these exercises at this time of the year, consistently over the next few months whilst maintaining a healthy diet, will guarantee you a great beach body for next Summer. Everyone has to start somewhere and depending on how badly you want it, will depend on how often you keep it up.
Start by lying on your back whilst holding the ball between your feet.
Using your core muscles lift the ball up as high as you can.
Next control your body by slowly moving the ball to each side, be careful not to let the ball touch the ground and also watch you don’t lose your balance.
Repeat the movement for 30 seconds, rest and repeat for a further 30 seconds.