Testosterone serve many different functions in the body, not just burning fat and boosting muscle. It helps to improve sleep, mood, energy, libido, and even overall health and quality of life. Many men will experience a slow decrease in testosterone production after the age of 30, which will put them at a greater risk of obesity, heart disease, reduced muscle mass, and even diminished physical performance.
Get More Sleep!
Not getting enough quality sleep has the ability to significantly diminish the amount of testosterone that the body produces. This can lead to reduced muscle growth as well as fat loss. Sleeping pattern research has shown that the longer a male has slept, the more likely that their testosterone levels will be higher. Ideally, 7 to 9 hours of sleep are needed in order to really optimize the response of testosterone.
Don’t Be Afraid of Cholesterol
Testosterone is actually derived from cholesterol, so do not be surprised that when a diet is lacking a sufficient amount of cholesterol that it leads to a decrease in the muscle-building hormone. This is not to say that all high cholesterol foods are good—the aim is to raise the HDL (good) cholesterol levels in the diet. Great ways to incorporate this good cholesterol into the diet is to consume things like red meat, seafood, and whole eggs.
Try Testosterone Boosting Ingredients
Zinc is a vital part of the production of testosterone. Even a mild deficiency of zinc, something that is common in many men and women, has been linked to suppressed testosterone production. With just a six month trial of zinc supplementation, it was concluded that the mineral does play an important role in testosterone levels. Vitamin D is also important to testosterone production. Additionally, boron, found in many vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds will reduce levels of estrogen while increasing testosterone.
Focus on Your Workouts
Workout duration can have an impact on testosterone production. Longer workout periods can cause cortisol levels to rise, meaning that testosterone levels must decrease. Additionally, research has shown that rest periods that are shorter are ideal for keeping levels higher. Raised levels of testosterone has many benefits, including increased muscle mass, which is the reason for working out in the first place, right? Also reap benefits such as an increase in metabolism and lowered body fat. HIIT workouts are ideal, just as the name states they are high intensity interval training—incorporating higher intensity workouts in a shorter amount of time, with shorter resting periods.
Consume More Fat
This is not as counter-intuitive as it may seem—dietary fat is one of the most important variables when it comes to boosting natural production of testosterone. Diets that are high in monounsaturated and saturated fats are known to increase testosterone levels. One study even showed that men who changed their diet from high fat to low fat experienced a drop in testosterone production. The type of fat that is consumed is very important—focus on those that are naturally high like almonds, avocados, olive oil, peanut butter, cheese, egg yolks, coconut oil, and red meat.
Final Words…
A drop in testosterone can lead to a hormone imbalance as a whole, with effects like a slowed metabolism, an increase in body fat, a reduction in bone mineral density, and a harder time putting on muscle. Increasing testosterone lends to having a better workout, and working out with a strategy will help with testosterone production. These two things go hand in hand and work best when done together. There are many ways to increase testosterone levels, but the most dramatic changes will be seen through implementing these best of the best ways.
Guest post by HowTonight.com – a blog focuses on health and nutrition.