You may be wondering how CBD can have any kind of effect on your fitness regimen, and rightfully so. Part of the problem might be that you don’t have a solid understanding of what CBD is because many people still believe that it is derived from marijuana plants. This is not the case at all! CBD or hemp tincture, when used for legal, therapeutic purposes in all 50 states, would be derived from hemp plants with absolutely no psychoactive properties. Once you understand how CBD can affect your overall health, you’ll better understand the distinct differences between marijuana and hemp-derived CBD, and how it can assist you in fitness training.
1. Pain Reduction
It has long been known that cannabidiol, CBD, has amazingly effective pain reduction properties. In fact, renowned British neurologist, Sir John Russel Reynolds, states emphatically that “there is no more useful medicine” than CBD for the reduction of pain. Since the mid-19thcentury and largely through the work of Sir John, CBD or hemp tincture has been successfully used for pain relief without the psychoactive effects of THC.
2. Stress Relief
From anxiety to depression to undue amounts of stress, CBD has long been known to provide a calming effect. In fact, hemp has been in use for this very purpose since at least 2,000 BC. Naturopathic doctors often prescribe the use of cannabidiol for such diagnoses as PTSD. CBD or hemp tincture found on the Premier Hemp Company website is again recognized as safe and effective. The founders are, themselves, doctors!
3. A Heart-Healthy Product
Research of late found that CBD is effective in lowering levels of ‘bad cholesterol’ in the blood while increasing levels of the good stuff, HDL-C which helps to prevent cardiovascular disease. CBD is found to help prevent arterial blockage, reduce oxidative stress and lower high blood pressure. If this isn’t a natural, heart-healthy product, what is?
4. Aids in Restful Sleep
Having said that CBD helps to relieve stress in our daily life, it isn’t a stretch of the imagination to see how it can promote restful sleep. Here, it should be reiterated that CBD offers none of the psychoactive properties of marijuana’s THC, so you needn’t worry about the quality of your dreams! They will be naturally yours.
5. Anti-Inflammatory Properties
Alongside the use of CBD or hemp tincture to alleviate pain, these amazing natural substances have also been found to relieve swelling and inflammation so common among those who undergo a daily exercise regimen. All too often we hear our coaches and fitness gurus chanting the mantra, “No pain, no gain.” Unfortunately, try going out the next day and running those miles on legs that are stiff from swollen, painful muscles.
Summing it up, it is difficult to undertake any kind of fitness regimen whatsoever if you are unable to get a good night’s rest, are contending with blocked arteries, or are suffering from the aches and pains that come part and parcel with a healthy level of exercise. CBD or hemp tincture can help to reduce many of the side effects that come along with fitness training and as a natural product, you will find your fitness efforts well rewarded.